Overall 3rd Party Payment Process

Flow Description

Merchant Integration Steps

  1. Customer request check out to the merchant (eCommerce side etc)

  2. Merchant client make ajax request to back end side for request check out api.

  3. Merchant prepare check out controller by generate check out url through provided PAYON's aggregator lib with required information such as apiKey, merchantId, termId and currency.

  4. Merchant redirect to Payon's aggregator payment page.

3rd party Integration Steps

  1. Customer select 3rd party payment options

  2. PAYON server will request to 3rd party to init order, API spec will provided by 3rd party.

  3. PAYON's system respond order details from 3rd party system.

  4. PAYON's system process integration steps follow by 3rd party instruction.

  5. Redirect to 3rd online web payment page(redirection URL will be provided by 3rd party system)

  6. Customer who have 3rd party account need to input authentication information to 3rd party system for payment completion.

  7. Payment completion will be at 3rd party side.

  8. 3rd party redirect to PAYON's callback page with payment's result data.

  9. 3rd party send notify to customer (App notification, SMS, Email ect)

  10. Finally, PAYON' system will redirect to payment result page, and send notify request to merchant server.

Last updated